We completed our first day of Reading Stations. The students dos an amazing job learning what to do at their station and how to switch. We will do 2 stations a day, 4 days a week.
Station 1: read to self
Students are reading/taking picture walks through books.
Station 2: Students use on sticker as their idea for writing. They illustrate around the sticker and write a sentence or label their picture.

Station 3 :Letters
Students use attribute pieces to form capital and lowercase letters.

Station 4: depending on your child's needs, students will use apps to help them with readings skills.

Station 5: Students use magnets to spell color words and number words.

Station 6: Studnets are able to play reading games or watch video clips that help them with the reading skill they are currently working on.

Station 7: One student calls out a word (or letter) and the other students have to find it using their swatters.

Station 8: Students play memory with letters and letter sounds.

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