We have talked about our 5 senses all week.
On Friday we explored our sense of taste on Friday by trying OLIVES !!! It was not only a great way to try something new but it was O week too! We tried black and green olives. Some liked them, some did not but their faces were priceless!

Then we graphed whether we liked green olives, black lives, or neither. (Believe it or not a few put one for black and green because they liked both!)
We read What is a Scientiest? and What is Science? We drew what our favorite science to explore would be and charted what a Scientiest does.
We got 3 tolls that Scientiest use: safety googles, lab cots, and magnifying glasses.
Then we visited Mrs Youngs in the STEM lab so she could see our real scientists!
In Phonics and Teading this week we looked at the formation of lower case letters. Some are tall, some are small, and some fall.

We chatted our O words. We have to charts because O has two sounds!
In Math we learned to write and represent the numbers 3,4,&5!

Our tricks are up! Those tricky letters won't trick us!

We now have 5th grade helpers that come every morning! They are a great help!
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