We started with these questions. The kids knew a lot about measurement. They just needed help with the vocabulary. With a little bit of help they were able to come up with these answers.
What does it mean to measure something?
Tell how big it is, tell how small something is
What qualities of an object can be measured?
Length, height, weight, capacity
How can I measure something?
Use a ruler, compare it to something else
Does how I measure matter?
Yes! They have to start from the same place
Here is what we did for work time.

Today we compared 3 of our crayons and ordered them from shortest to tallest.
Today we measured with linking cubes and recorded our data in our Measurement Journals.
The kids worlkef with their partners to make predictions and then measure classroom items.
They had a lot of fun doing this activity!
This week we are learning about capacity.
After discussing a PowerPoint I made about capacity, I showed the class my water bottle. Then in our measurement journal, we drew and labeled something that had more capacity and something that had less capacity.
Next we looked at 2 different situations and the students had to not only choose the correct answer but also tell me why they chose their answer.
We finished up capacity by filling different containers with beans to see which one had the greatest capacity.
Now it's time for weight. We began our lesson by starting talking about a seesaw. Would it be fun to be on a seesaw with an elephant? Why? This got our mathematical dialogue going. We measure several items in our scale and discussed that the heavier object always went down and the lighter object was up.
I passed around a water bottle and had the students draw something that weighed more than my water bottle and something that weighed less than my water bottle.
Next we sorted objects by if they were heavy or light. I told them to compare the objects to me. Was the object pictures heavier thn Mr.Elkin or lighter?
Next we used our scales to compare the weight of letter magnets, jewels, dominos, cubes, and counting bears and a glue stick. Each group had the opportunity to compare each set of items. They had to answer and record "How many of my item does it take to equal the weight of my glue stick?"
(Depending on the glue rock each group used, answers will vary)