The Science Workshop Model method provides teachers with the framework needed to teach engaging science instruction in a limited amount of time. Teachers need access to professional learning to gain an understanding of how to structure science in a way that s engaging for students and works within the time constraints of their classroom. It is vital for students in K-5 grade levels to develop the foundations of science concepts; however, teachers struggle with a lack of time and structure for this to occur (Curran & Kitchin, 2019).
The Workshop Model method employs a three-part lesson with an opening, worktime, and closing. This presentation outlines how to use this method in your classroom to effectively teach science in a limited amount of time.
The following link is a Professional Learning Powerpoint to show the components and examples of the Science WOrkshop Model. There are also pictures of each slide for quick reference, but videos and links will only work through the presentation link.
Engaging Your Students with the Science Workshop Model
Curran, F. C., & Kitchin, J. (2019). Early elementary science
instruction: Does more time on science or science topics/skills predict
science achievement in the early grades? AERA Open, 5(3), 1-18.