Friday, September 20, 2013

Fall Break

I hope you all enjoy your Fall Break.  When we return, I will be begin final assessments for the end of the 9 weeks. Conferences will be the week of October 14-18.  If this is your first experience with parent /teacher conferences, here is some information. 
Conferences are scheduled 20 minutes apart.  
We do our best to have sibling conferences scheduled closely.   
It helps to make a list of questions you have so you don't forget.  
If you cannot make it to your conference, ask for a phone conference or a conference before school.
My late nights (my last conference will be at 5:40) will be on Monday (14th) and Thursday (17th).  If you need a different time, let me know and we will work something out.  

Have a fabulous fall break!!!

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