Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sequencing, poetry, and Long Ago and Today

The last few days we have been taking about the Mayflower, the Pilgrims and Native Americans. We sequenced the pictures and then wrote about each one. Their writing is improving so much! I wrote first, next, then, and last on the board.  Some students used their resources (posters in the room, word wall, Eric) to spell their words. 

Our poetry journals are a great way to learn more information and work on how illustrators and auteurs work together to make the story(poem) complete. 

We also compared and sorted toys, clothing, transportation, and cooking from long ago and today. 

Lunch with Native Americans and Pilgrims

Our Kindergarten feast is tomorrow but we want to be able to wear both of our costumes. Today they had the choice of Native Americans or Pilgrims.  What ever they wear today, they will wear the other tomorrow. 
I think these are the cutest Native Americans and Pilgrims ever! 


We read Arthur's Thanksgiving and then made some cute turkeys and wrote about them.  I am so proud of how far they have all come with their writing!!!
I found these cute turkeys at Hobby Lobby and had to get them. The kids really enjoyed putting them together. 

We also read The Great Turkey Race.  I love this book. It's so cute!!!
We wrote and illustrated about our favorite part and made this cute running turkey! 

Our Thanksgiving Feast

Today was our Feast! We got dressed and headed to the lunchroom. We had turkey, green beans, popcorn, grapes,a roll and apple juice.  

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Native Americans

Last week we learned about Pilgrims so this week we are learning about Native Americans. 

We read The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush and The Legend of Bluebonnet. We learned that Native Americans used symbols to tell stories. Then we decorated tepees and buckskins with  Native American symbols.    

We read Young Squanto and learned about how he helped the pilgrims learn how to survive in their new land.  

We had our "dirt"(chocolate pudding), a corn seed (M&M), and dead fish (Swedish fish). 

We planted our seed by sticking it down in the dirt. 

Then we stuck out dead fish in. 

Then we went to the bathroom and washed our hands and when we came back...
Corn had grown!!!!!

And of course we ate it!